Honey Coated Pistachio Palmiers Recipe

Monday 27 February 2012

I found this palmiers recipe in the Australian Women's Weekly Moroccan  cook book. Having a massive sweet tooth of course I tried most of the sweet dishes with this palmiers recipe being one of the first.

The original palmiers recipe had butter and an egg in it which I replaced with low lactose melted margarine.

Honey Coated Pistachio Palmiers Recipe

3/4 cup roasted shelled pistachios
1/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons raw sugar
20gm low lactose or milk free margarine
50gm melted low lactose or milk free margarine
2 sheets puff pastry
1/2 cup honey

Blend nuts with sugar, cinnamon and margarine until mixture forms a coarse paste.

Sprinkle board with half of the raw sugar; place one sheet of pastry on the sugar. Using rolling pin, press pastry gently into sugar.

Spread half the mixture on pastry; fold two opposing sides of the pastry inwards to meet in the middle. Flatten folded pastry slightly; brush with a little of the melted margarine.

Fold each side in half again so they just touch in the middle, flatten slightly.

Repeat process with remaining raw sugar, pastry sheet, nut mixture and melted margarine.

Cover pastry pieces, separately, with plastic warp and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200C and grease oven trays.

Cut rolled pastry into 1cm slices; place slices cut side up, on trays about 2cms apart.

Bake palmiers for about 12 minutes or until lightly browned.

While palmiers are coooking bring honey to the boil in a small frying pan. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add hot plamiers, one at a time to honey mixture turning to coat all over; drain on greased rack and serve cold.


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