Gluten Free Japanese Souffle Pancakes

Wednesday 15 May 2024


I saw this Japanese Souffle pancake recipe and had to make it gluten free and it worked a treat.

I made it for mum on Mother's Day and she just woofed them down hahah

So easy to make once you get the hang of it. Careful not to have a pan that is too hot to start with keep it the heat low so they don't burn. 


Gluten Free Japanese Souffle Pancakes

1/2 cup (75g) gluten free plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup (40g) icing sugar mixture
1/3 cup (80ml) milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 free-range eggs, separated
1/2 tsp cream of tartar or white vinegar
20g margarine, melted
Honey, to serve



1. Whisk the gluten free flour, baking powder, icing sugar, milk, vanilla and egg yolks in a large bowl until smooth.

 2. Use an electric mixer to whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl until stiff peaks form. If you don't have tartar you can use vinegar like I did.
3. Add one-third of the egg white mixture to the flour mixture and use a large metal spoon to gently fold until just combined. Add the remaining egg white mixture and gently fold until just combined.

4. Grease two 7cm egg rings or round metal cookie cutters. Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over low heat and brush with some melted margarine. Place cutters in the pan and fill with ¼ cup (60ml) pancake batter.



 Cook, covered, for 5-6 mins or until bases are golden. 



Carefully turn the pancakes and use tongs to remove cutters. Cook, covered, for 3 mins or until just set. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining butter and batter. It helps to use the timer on your phone to help with these times.
5. Divide pancakes among serving plates and top with berries. Drizzle with honey or any toppings of you choice then serve.

I ate them as I made them so no serving needed hahaah. They went straight into my mouth other than the ones I gave to mum.


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